Announcing Auditions for

Melissa Manseau’s Summer Intensive Production of:

Into The Woods Jr. Has Been Fully Cast! Announcement Coming Soon!

Rehearsals: July 14-July 25; Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM

Shows (3 performances): July 25 at 7 PM; July 26 at 2 PM and 7 PM

Tuition/Participation Fee if Cast: $500.00

This production is geared toward local teens who are interested in growing their musical theater chops, their resumes, and their inventory of audition pieces for future productions.

This summer intensive production of Into the Woods JR (effectively Act I of the full production) will be staged in two weeks. We will cast the show within a few days of the audition. Tuition will only be due by check after an actor has been cast and has accepted their role. Rehearsal materials will be made available prior to July 14.

Rehearsals will be held along the summer camp model from Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM from July 14-July 25 with the same educational, skill-building focus we offer during our three-week camp.

NOTE: Registration for our 3-week summer musical theater camp will not open until after Into the Woods JR is cast, so actors auditioning will have equal opportunity to seek a slot in the three-week camp if not cast in the intensive performance.